Best Summer Themed Pub Nights
Summer is in full swing, the heatwaves have arrived, and we’re all dreaming of days off work in a beer garden. With everyone flocking to their local for a pint and some sun, you have lots of competition to keep your pub the place to go this summer. Themed nights can help you to stand out from the crowd and make your venue more entertaining and attracting to increase your footfall. You can decorate your pub and theme the drinks menu to get people in the mood and keep them laughing and drinking at your place all night long.
Read on for our top three summer themes for your pub this year. By taking the time and spending a little money to transform your place once or twice this summer, you can see a significant difference in customer satisfaction and an increase in profits.
Hawaiian Night
Watch nearly any TV show ever where the characters fly off on holiday and where do they end up? Almost definitely Hawaii. It’s the go-to dream destination for many with the perfect weather, golden beaches, clear blue sea and delicious cocktails. Take advantage of everyone’s dream summer holiday and transform your pub into a Hawaiian getaway this summer. Take one night to deck the place out with inflatable flamingos, palm trees and more. Have your workers wear Hawaiian shirts and present people with flower garlands when they walk in.
By creating a Hawaiian paradise, you open yourself up to a broader variety of customers. Rather than just the regular locals or lads who come in, you will see more groups of girls, families and younger adults who would often pick the clubs over pubs waltz in. With something new to experience, many will want to enjoy this themed night.
Pool Tournaments
Something easy you can integrate into your pub this summer on a regular basis is pool tournaments. It isn’t expensive to rent a pool table, and you can easily make your money back – and profit – by having this amazing table available for people to play with each day. Friends, whether skilled or not, will always have some healthy competition when it comes to playing pool, spending their loose change on it. But, by hosting a weekly tournament, you can get more people in at once to play for a cash prize or a free round of drinks. Old and young, inexperienced and talented will see a pool tournament night as a time to get out of the house, have some drinks and have a laugh with their mates.
Keep the theme with pool-themed drinks and maybe even a pool quiz at the end of the night – for the sore losers of the tournament to try to win some money back! You can make this a weekly or fortnightly themed night that can stick throughout the summer and last all year round, helping make your pub popular and profitable.
Football Nights
While the premier league may have ended earlier on in the year, summer is the perfect time to bring football home (because after all the England team couldn’t) and introduce it as a themed night at your pub. If you have a beer garden, you have the perfect opportunity to create a space for groups of mates to come and play five-a-side games in a tournament once a week or fortnight. You can charge a few quid per person to cover costs for footballs and goals and also create healthy competition between mates who will bring even more people with them week after week. And nothing goes better with football than a nice cold beer, so it won’t be a shock to see your sales increase just because you organised a little tournament and put some nets up outside.
Take this theme one step further and host a football quiz later that night. Lads and ladies can spend the afternoon drinking and playing with their mates, before settling down to test their knowledge. For football fans that are missing their regular weekly games on the telly, this can be the perfect summer alternative that makes them happy and your pub more profitable.
Make your pub the go-to place this year and take on some of our above tips. By adopting just one of these themed nights, your customers can have a change of scenery without even leaving their local and bring more paying pals into your pub. If you are interested in hiring a pool table for your themed night, then contact us today for more information.
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