How much money can I earn from a Jukebox in my pub?

At Amusement Leisure we supply all types of amusement machines to pubs and clubs in the North West and North Wales. As well as fruit machines, pool tables and quiz machines we also rent or do profit share deals on the latest digital jukeboxes from Sound Leisure.

I am often asked how much should I expect to make from a jukebox in my bar? The briefest answer I can give is to explain that we have jukebox sites in Warrington taking on average around £50 per week and then in Runcorn and Chester, just down the road, we have sites, a pub and a club, taking over £120 per week each on the jukebox. Our highest earning jukebox site is in Central Liverpool which regularly takes over £155 per week in the jukebox. But I then go on to explain that some sites may take more on a fruit machine and a bit less on the jukebox. But in my opinion a good jukebox is crucial to any great pub; it’s one of those things that make a pub a pub in my mind.

We only supply the latest digital jukeboxes from Sound Leisure. They come with at least 30,000 songs and can access up to 6 million tracks online. Our engineers ensure all jukebox installs include making sure the right background music, price of play and music choices have been set up to attract customers to the jukebox.

Contact us now if you require a jukebox for your pub or club in the Manchester, Liverpool and north Wales area.

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