Is Your Venue Entertaining Enough?
With so many pubs dominating our towns and cities, it’s more important than ever that you stand out amongst the competition and you can do this by creating an entertaining atmosphere. Big chains like Wetherspoons can often feel hard to compete with, but small business owners shouldn’t be afraid to embrace what makes them different. Local pubs can still bring in many customers if they turn their focus to providing engaging entertainment. From this, repeat customers will appear, and with them, family and friends that can all become new regulars at your pub.
Make sure you look into the different ways that you can provide entertainment for your customers, whether it is a slot machine, quiz machine or pool table. Each has their own benefits, but overall they can bring in more income and encourage customers to choose you over neighbouring venues.
The Value of Entertainment In Pubs
Pubs draw in the public with their claims of hearty food and good quality alcohol, but there is much more that they can do to guarantee returning customers. Entertainment is a huge factor in keeping customers interested in your pub and returning week after week and most importantly staying longer. People need something that grasps their attention and keeps them involved if you want them to stay longer and spend more money. Read on for the top three reasons why you need to value entertainment in your pub, and which forms of entertainment can benefit you most.
- Additional Income Stream
Entertainment systems like quiz machines and slot machines can provide a significant amount of extra income, in some cases even more than beer sales in any one night. Groups of friends can find themselves taking turns and having a laugh over one of these machines, meaning as a business you make more profit and your customers have more fun. And the more machines you have, the bigger the profit you are likely to rake in daily.
Pool tables are also an opportunity for you to make some extra cash. Although they cost only a pound or two to play, people are more likely to bring their friends and spend hours playing. It is a pub staple that has many people lining up to play in one evening and as it is a very social game your customers are likely to spend more on drinks than usual as their dwell time is increased. Punters may even want to take part in a weekly pool club if you organise one. This means you can expect a good profit even after the pool hire costs are taken into consideration.
- Improve Dwell Time
With more entertainment comes an improved dwell time that can lead to more food and drink sales as well as the extra money made on the machines. Altogether, this can be the considerable increase in profit that is needed to help upgrade your pub or even save it from closure. Struggling businesses can see customers spend more time in their venue, buying more drinks as they play quiz games or pool with their friends. If people aren’t coming to your pub regularly, they won’t recommend it to their friends. But, if they find coming to your pub entertaining, and it has a good atmosphere for drinking or eating, you should see new customers flooding in for a more extended period.
- Encourage Repeat Customers
If people enjoy your entertainment and food, they are more likely to become repeat customers that can help guarantee you a steady income. If you a have high-quality pool tables or modern quiz machines people are likely to choose you over a neighbouring venue that doesn’t offer any decent entertainment.
With consistent entertainment, people have something beyond food and drink to bring them back to your venue. A couple of mates looking to play pool for the hour now have a place to do that while another person with some pocket change wanting to test their general knowledge with a quiz can do so after a nice meal. And, once people have begun to settle into your venue’s atmosphere, they are more likely to associate that space with enjoyment, imprinting it in the back of their mind. So, when it comes to deciding where to go on a Friday night or the best place for a little celebratory meal, your pub will be recalled often meaning more customers and more profits for you.
Whether you are struggling or not, adding some entertainment to your venue can help make a significant impact on your income. Slot machines, quiz machines and pool tables can be what you need to keep customers coming back, drinking more, eating food and enjoying the atmosphere. If you want to learn more about hiring any of the entertainment mentioned in this blog, then please contact us today.